It's The Most Wonderful Time of The Year

Happy Holidays!

Hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas! Right now I’m sitting by the fire in a comfy couch writing to you. Like every year, the time leading up to Christmas can be very stressful. I keep on feeling exhausted about it, but in a way I guess I’m lucky… There’s probably people who wish they had someone to buy a gift for and to get to worry if they are gonna like it or not, and who wish they had a job to stress about. Actually, what I’m extra grateful for this year, is that I felt present in the moment. I’m pretty sure there’s a few more of you who can relate to being there but not actually being there. This year felt really special for several reasons, so I’d like to share some photos from my Christmas.

First off, we spent Christmas eve at my parents house. They live out on the countryside and it looked lovely out, while the sun was setting.

Mom always does such a great job with all the food. I don’t know how I could ever make that happen!!! I also really like the way she decorated the table! (Photobombed by dad).

I didn’t get to celebrate Christmas with my niece and nephew last year, so I felt lucky to get to do that this year!

For as long as I can remember, dad has always played Heinzelmännchens Wachtparade. A Christmas without it wouldn’t be the same!

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The days before Christmas was amazingly beautiful. Couldn’t stop snapping pictures instead of working. It looks like a bit like a skiing resort. Love it. Snow makes everything so pretty… during winter time I shall add :)

Okay, Christmas was really lovely this year… Now onto New Years eve! I gotta finish the plans for the menu, how to decorate and the choice of dress.

Happy New Year!



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